Sunday 19 November 2017

Russell Simmons responds to accusation of sexually assaulting a model when she was 17

Russell Simmons is an American entrepreneur, music mogul and author who has been accused by Keri Claussen Khalighi, an aspiring model of sexually assaulting her when she was just 17.

She also says Simmons asked for forgiveness decades after he allegedly assaulted her and coerced her to perform oral sex while filmaker Ratner was present. Ratner was a rising music video producer at the time, according to the report.

Khalighi, who is now 43, said she saw Simmons about a year ago at the Soho House in West Hollywood. As she told the Times, he “poured his heart out in a really touching, remorseful apology” for his behavior, and said she could call him to talk further. "He knew what he had done; I knew what he had done. That's also why it was so vindicating, because it was there, acknowledged” she said.

Simmons in his statement denying the allegation says, "I know Keri Claussen Khalighi and remember the weekend in 1991 that she has referenced. Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri's full participation."

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