Thursday 16 November 2017

Comedian, Bovi writes an emotional letter to his mother on her 60th posthumous birthday, reveals they had planned to travel to Dubai

Comedian, Bovi took to his Instagram page to pen down an emotional letter to his mom on her 60th posthumous birthday. According to him, this will be his last letter to her. He revealed that they had planned to celebrate her birthday in Dubai. Read what he wrote below;
Dear mummy, this is my last love letter to you. Today is that your 60th birthday that we planned to celebrate in Dubai.
Today is that day we planned to be filled with lots of laughter. The opposite is now the case.
I can’t lie to you, we still hurt! I pride myself as one with great understanding but in this matter, I simply cannot understand. To be honest, I don’t want to understand.
I want to thank you publicly one last time! These are things I had planned to say while staring at your smiling face in Dubai.
Dear mum, I thank you for bringing us into this world and sacrificing your best years raising us. I thank you for instilling in us a reading culture. I thank you for teaching us how to cook when we were young. I thank you for teaching us how to pray even when we’re not in the mood for it.
Thank you for teaching us how to empathize. You told me once that if my being right will take someone’s life, then I should be wrong.
You taught me not to condemn anybody because God our father hasn’t condemned them. In your words, “it’s bitchy to run down someone you don’t even know personally”. You told me categorically “manipulation is witchcraft”. Dear mummy, thank you for taking out time to teach me this. Now I can spot a witch from a mile. And wizards too. I know you don’t like it when I curse but allow this last one abeg. “%#?|€\¥\ €£¥|” It’s been 22 months since you left this crazy world. I need you to know that in these 22 months, not a day has passed that I haven’t paused to reminisce about you and the beauty of you.
I’m grateful ma! Though I’m injured, I promise you I’m grateful. And I’m sorry too. I appreciate you more than I ever said, more than I ever did, more than I ever showed.
Keep resting in peace till we meet to part no more. Love, Bovi

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