23 year old Banke Oyelami, the current Miss Osun state, is getting ready
to marry entertainer turned politician, Hon. Rotimi Makinde, who is
said to be in his late 40's. Some of you think she's marrying him for
the good life, but Banke says it's all love.
It's not about what he can give me, though meeting him has changed my
life. He's very intelligent, creative and hardworking. And he's a good
person, to me, his children everybody around him. He wants the best for
me. When he proposed to me, I told him I was still in the university and
he agreed to wait for me to finish and he has been very patient and
supportive of my education. People have been saying all sorts since we
announced our engagement but I am not bothered by the talk. I met a good
man who loves me and it feels good because I have everything in him, a
father, brother and friend. I feel secured because he's a very mature
and caring and I am looking forward to our life together.
Banke is a final year students of Political Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, in Osun State.
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