Lance also admitted that he was the ring leader of the US Postal Service doping team .
''I'm a flawed character,'' he said.See more after the cut...
Did it feel wrong? Oprah asked
''No,'' Armstrong replied. ''Scary.''
''Did you feel bad about it?'' Winfrey pressed him.
''No,'' he said. ''Even scarier.''
''Did you feel in any way that you were cheating?''
''No,'' Armstrong paused. ''Scariest.''
''I went and looked up the definition of cheat. And the definition is to gain an advantage on a rival or foe. I didn't view it that way. I viewed it as a level playing field.''
''I'm not comfortable talking about other people,'' Armstrong said. ''I don't want to accuse anybody.''
''This story was so perfect for so long. It's this myth, this perfect story, and it wasn't true,'' he said.
Then Oprah began asking for yes-or-no answers to five questions.
Did Armstrong take banned substances? ''Yes.''
Did that include the blood-booster EPO? ''Yes.''
Did he do blood doping and use transfusions? ''Yes.''
Did he use testosterone, cortisone and human growth hormone? ''Yes.''
Did he take banned substances or blood dope in all his Tour wins? ''Yes.''
In your opinion is it humanly possible to win the Tour de France without doping seven times in a row? Oprah asked. Not in my opinion, Lance answered
''I deserve this,'' he said ''It's a major flaw, and it's a guy who expected to get whatever he wanted and to control every outcome. And it's inexcusable. And when I say there are people who will hear this and never forgive me, I understand that. I do. That defiance, that attitude, that arrogance, you cannot deny it.''
Armstrong said he started doping in mid-1990s but didn't when he finished third in his comeback attempt in 2009.
''Have you made peace?'' Winfrey asked.
''No,'' Armstrong replied, ''because so many people have been hurt too badly, and a 40-minute (phone) conversation isn't enough.''
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