in time for Easter a new study has claimed that the Shroud of Turin is a
not a medieval forgery but could - in fact - be the burial shroud that
was used to wrap the body of Christ.
cloth’s consistency is similar to those used to bury the dead at the
time of Christ, 2,000 years ago, according to the latest scientific
of the research have emerged in a book and come ahead of Saturday's
rare glimpse of the Shroud, when TV cameras will film it as part of a
live broadcast ahead of Easter Sunday.

centuries scientists have argued about the authenticity of the Shroud -
which is kept in a secure vault in Turin Cathedral - and it has become
one of the most iconic images of the Roman Catholic faith.
14ft-long linen cloth bears the faint image of the front and back of a
tall, long-haired, bearded man and appears to be stained by blood from
wounds in his feet, wrists and sides that match those suffered by Christ
at his Crucifixion.
The findings are in a new book called Il Mistero della Sindone (The Mystery of the Shroud) which is published on Good Friday.
authors, Professor Giulio Fanti, an expert in mechanical and thermal
measurement at the University of Padua’s Engineering Faculty and
journalist Saverio Gaeta, examined fibres from the Shroud and compared
them to samples of cloth dating back to between 3000BC and up to the
modern era to contrast them and see if it is a Medieval forgery.
to the findings are three new tests, two chemical ones and one
mechanical, the first two were carried out using infra-red light, and
the other using Raman spectroscopy - which measures radiation through
wavelengths and is commonly used in forensic science.
results dated the fibres from the cloth to a period between 300BC to
400AD, which covers the years of Christ's life. Debate has raged whether
the image is that of Christ or a fake from the Middle Ages. But what is
certain is that experts have never really been able to explain how the
image was made.
Carbon 14 tests were conducted on the cloth in 1988 and these findings suggested it dated from between 1260 and 1390.
some scientists have since claimed that contamination over the ages
from water damage and fire, were not taken sufficiently into account and
could have distorted the results.
then, there have been several requests for fresh tests but Church
chiefs have always refused - and this is why Professor Fanti and his
team had to rely on fibres that were used in the 1988 tests.
he retired last month pope Emeritus Benedict XVI gave permission for
the Shroud to go on display as a 'last gift’ to the millions of
Catholics before he retired from public office.
years ago when he was plain cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict wrote
that the shroud was a ‘truly mysterious image, which no human artistry
was capable of producing. In some inexplicable it appeared imprinted
upon cloth...’
state TV will broadcast footage of the Shroud but it is not thought
that general public access will be allowed until 2025, the date of the
next scheduled display.
part of the TV broadcast, a new app called Sindone 2.0 has been
developed, showing a series of HD images of the shroud which highlight
details of the cloth not visible to the naked eye.
Culled from Daily Mail
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