The group's former publicist, Frank Parlato alleged that the actress has been brainwashed by cult leader Keith Raniere to recruit "slaves" into a secretive cult where they are forcibly branded with her initials and ordered to follow her commands 24 hours a day.
The New York Times broke the story last month about a secret sorority that brands women, puts them on starvation diets, and beats them if they don't recruit enough "slaves". The group is called DOS and is believed to be short for "dominus obsequious sororium", which is reportedly a secret society for the highest ranking female members within the self-help group NXIVM. NXIVM, founded by Keith Raniere brands itself as a self-help group, offering classes that teach the answers to living a successful and fulfilling life, but former members have said it's really a cult.
Parlato reveals that followers or "slaves" are told to fast for 12 hours a day, take cold showers and perform a "daily act to honour" their master. They are told they must refrain from eating for "12 hours from the last time you have anything other than water w. lemon or black tea w. lemon + honey (sparkling water is ok)". They must also take a cold shower to "build capacity for love through the tolerance of pain". Hot irons are also used to brand the slaves in their pubic area with Keith Raniere and Allison Mack's initials.
Parlato goes into further detail about Mack's role in the group on his website, The Frank Report, which has been publishing information on the group's inner-workings. He revealed that the followers are mandated to provide a new piece of "collateral" - what they call "C" - on the first day of every month - which can be published if the "slave" leaves the group or reveals its sordid secrets - in order to prove their loyalty. The collateral is blackmail-worthy material such as nude pictures, videotaped confessions to crimes or financial information, according to Parlato.
A screenshot obtained by Sun Online shows the "collateral" Dropbox along with the names of some of Mack's slaves. They include India Oxenberg, the daughter of Dynasty actress Catherine Oxenberg who recently met with prosecutors in New York and presented evidence against alleged cult leader Raniere. Oxenebrg says her daughter India is being blackmailed by the cult. Doctor Danielle Roberts, who is currently being investigated by authorities in New York after allegedly branding some cult members with a hot iron on their pubic region, is also named on the screenshot.
Parlato claims that if the slaves do not obey Allison Mack's commands they are beaten with a paddle. Mack is allegedly a "master" in the cult but she still must allegedly obey leader Raniere and is also ordered to find bed partners for him, run 40 miles a week and keep a strict diet to stay as skinny as possible.
Keith Raniere and Allison Mack
Parlato said: "Allison is both a victim and a perpetrator. She is a victim because she has been brainwashed by Raniere and she is his 'slave'. So she has to run 40 miles a week and keep a strict 500 to 800 calorie a day diet. But she has also recruited many women to this cult. Before he had good looking women surrounding him somewhat but what she did is use her glamour and celebrity to take it up a notch.
Allison Mack pictured jogging near the cult's headquarters on Wednesday
"She attracted a younger breed of women to the cult. At first I thought she was second in command of DOS but now I think she may be third in command. But ultimately it all boils down to Raniere - he is the master of all the women. One of things that is a terrible concept to Allison is that she is ordered to find Raniere bed partners and she is conflicted because she really wants to be with him.
"I've had women who have escaped the cult tell me that they are told to sleep with Raniere and Allison gets really jealous about it - and they tell her 'Look I'm doing what I'm told - I don't even want to have sex with him I'm forced to'."
Ex-members have detailed how only the most loyal NXIVM female members are offered the ability to try out for DOS. When women are deemed worthy to enter the group, they are ordered to strip at an initiation ceremony and then branded with a symbol that includes both Raniere and Mack's initials. It was also revealed that slaves must immediately answer their masters any time they text or call them, and if they do not recruit enough slaves of their own, they are beaten with a paddle on their buttocks. The Frank Report alleges that it was Mack who introduced corporeal punishment to the group.
DOS operates as a master-slave hierarchy, with Raniere at the top and Mack as his immediate subordinate. From there, Mack has several slaves of her own who are then ordered to recruit a group of slaves themselves, and it spreads down from there like a pyramid scheme. Women in the group are allegedly kept on a 500- to 800-calorie a day diet because Raniere likes thin women and believes fat 'interferes' with his energy levels, Parlato claims."I've had women who have escaped the cult tell me that they are told to sleep with Raniere and Allison gets really jealous about it - and they tell her 'Look I'm doing what I'm told - I don't even want to have sex with him I'm forced to'."
Ex-members have detailed how only the most loyal NXIVM female members are offered the ability to try out for DOS. When women are deemed worthy to enter the group, they are ordered to strip at an initiation ceremony and then branded with a symbol that includes both Raniere and Mack's initials. It was also revealed that slaves must immediately answer their masters any time they text or call them, and if they do not recruit enough slaves of their own, they are beaten with a paddle on their buttocks. The Frank Report alleges that it was Mack who introduced corporeal punishment to the group.
Parlato worked for the organization for several months in 2007 until he was fired by Raniere when he caught him investigating the company's financial records. He says NXIVM is bankrolled by millionaire heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, whose mum Georgiana is married to Brit actor Nigel Havers. Clare Bronfman is the organisation's vice president of operations. According to Vanity Fair, Raniere has "swallowed more than $150 million" of Bronfman's fortune.
Parlato claims: "Without the Bronfman's money, there would be no slaves, no branding, no blackmail. Bronfman money funds the whole horrifying cult."
Parlato is currently locked in a legal battle with both Raniere and the Bronfmans. Parlato claims in his blog that Mack created DOS with the intention of turning it into a worldwide organization that would be a "force for good and a female force against evil".
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