Who is Stella Dimoko Korkus referring to? Below is a story she wrote...
This crooner is handsome and his entertainment profile is hot...so hot
that only prostitutes appeal to him in the real sense. He makes his
crowd go wow when he entertains but the prostitutes at night go double
wow on him. His day time job is so cool and earns him enough cash for me
to name him a millionaire. At night, he and his friends are visited in
his house by high profile prostitutes. They smoke that thing with four
letters. They swap having sex with these prostitutes who parade naked
before them. I can not be specific if these men use condom but it is a
shame that this is happening. Sex has been so prostituted by this
entertainer that I have no choice but to name him a clinical ashawo who
really needs help. Please do not ask the name of the entertainer o...any
name you decode from this gist, na you sabi...
Stella and her stories...lol. Hmmmm...wonder who the millionaire actor is...
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