The E! News fashion correspondent and daughter of rocker Ozzy Osbourne
proudly flaunts her slimmed-down figure in Cosmopolitan UK’s spin-off
health and fitness magazine, Cosmopolitan Body, in which she opens up
about her inspiring transformation and learning to love herself and
Osbourne, who has since lost 69 pounds, didn’t sugarcoat explaining her struggle to get to where she is today.
"Working out is not fun, I’m not going to lie and say it is. I sweat my
a.s.s off and I’m miserable for the hour I’m doing it but when I’m done,
I feel amazing.
'There’s no quick fix and it does take a long time.
It drives you mad when you see someone eating chips when you can’t have
any, but it’s so worth it.'
She added: 'If you want to change your
body you can’t just diet; if you do that, you lose weight, then get fat.
You’ve got to commit to a whole life change and teach yourself a whole
new lifestyle.
'It isn’t fun, but it never will be. I don’t deny
myself anything – I still eat chocolate and cake and always will.
Everything in moderation.'
'When I started exercising I couldn’t even
do one sit-up! By the end of the first week I could do three, and that
was a big deal.
'Now I work out every day and I just don’t feel good
if I miss it. It’s amazing how quickly your fitness builds, but you
have to really want it".
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